Membership Directory - Individual

Claudia Tecuceanu

Creative Photographer at Claudia T. Photography
Member Since: 2024


What’s your favourite inspirational/motivational quote or song lyric?: Everything Is Figureoutable. It comes from Marie Forleo's book with the same name. Read it. You'll love it.
What's an achievement outside your work that you're particularly proud of?: I am part of a women's a cappella choir. It is hard, fun, stessful (because I am learning new things), sometimes when I practice at home a particular harder piece I am considering quitting... but I don't. I keep moving forward and doing my best, because singing brings me joy.
What's one interesting fact about yourself that not many people know?: I love to knitt and I've been knitting colourful neckwarmers for the past 4 years. In December of each year I donate them to Discovery House and they gift them to their clients.
Does your business make any social or environmental impacts that are personally important or significant to you? Why?: Yes. I've been donating neckwarmers to moms at Discovery House for the past 4 years. In addition to that, every Summer for the past years I photograph the families that are hosted at their shelter.