Membership Directory - Corporate

Stephanie Jackman Consulting

Member Since: 2023


About the business: I help organizations measure and communicate their impact to attract like-minded customers, employees, investors, and philanthropists to their brands.
Company Website Address:
Industry: Business & Professional Services
Ownership Structure: Privately Owned
Origin story of business name: After building many brands over the course of my 25-year career, I decided to keep it simple for my own consulting business and just go with my name. My business' success is about supporting my clients' success, so investing in a name and logo for my company isn't necessary.
Social impact practices your company is most proud of?: I'm a sole proprietor, so I don't have any full-time staff. When I do subcontract help on projects, I pay a Living Wage. I volunteer my time with Local Investing YYC, Calgary Propel Impact Fund, Nonprofit Resilience Lab, and through Aeonian Foundation, and offer discounted rates as an Expert Advisor to tech startups at Innovate Calgary's Social Innovation Hub and to nonprofits. I support and promote locally-owned, impact-driven businesses wherever possible. For example, as a customer and investor, I was recently invited to model for Sophie Grace clothing.
Environmental impact practices your company is most proud of?: As a provider of business services (versus consumable products), my business' environmental footprint is relatively limited. To minimize negative impacts, I purchase renewable energy through Bullfrog Power for my home office. I minimize travel by embracing virtual meetings for clients outside of Calgary and/or walking to in-person meetings. I purchase only Forest Stewardship Council certified paper products. I compost and recycle everything possible. I support local businesses for as many purchases as possible.
Certified Living Wage Provider?: Yes


Social Impact & Brand Strategy