Membership Directory - Corporate

Purpose and Performance Project

Member Since: 2023


About the business: We provide coaching, training and consulting services for purpose and impact-oriented companies and leaders.
Company Website Address:
Industry: Business & Professional Services
Ownership Structure: Privately Owned
Origin story of business name: While the go-to metrics are often financially based, what would it look like if a company could not only succeed financially, but also leverage their purpose and impact on the world? This was the genesis for our name: we come alongside companies to positively influence both their Purpose and Performance.
Social impact practices your company is most proud of?: Coming alongside other impact companies and organizations and helping leverage their purpose and performance. All employees receive considerably more than a living wage and are considered co-creators within our organization.
Environmental impact practices your company is most proud of?: On our road to B Corp certification, we're exploring how we can best lean into this. We provide services that generally have a minimal environmental footprint. At the same time, we're committed to engaging in practices that further reduce our footprint.
Certified Living Wage Provider?: No
A picture paints a thousand words: Randy HS (Sept 2021) - web version.jpg