Membership Directory - Corporate

Elevated Escapes

Member Since: 2023


About the business: Elevated Escapes is a glamping company that offers geodesic domes and canvas bell tents across several locations in Alberta and B.C.
Company Website Address:
Industry: Lodging & Travel
Ownership Structure: Privately Owned
Social impact practices your company is most proud of?: We partner with an Indigenous family campground 30 minutes from Calgary who's mission is to create a hub for teaching Indigenous ways of being and promoting reconciliation. The revenue generated from the domes help fund this endeavour, as well as infrastructure at the campground.
Environmental impact practices your company is most proud of?: We encourage people to reflect on their relationship to the environment during their stay. We utilize solar energy to provide power for guests and use eco-friendly cleaning supplies.
Certified Living Wage Provider?: No
A picture paints a thousand words: Jenna and the Onespot Family.jpg


Business Coordinator